Saturday 10 November 2012

Sunflower Fund Fundraising

Parklands College this year nominated Stacey Ireland as our Sunflower Ambassador of Hope. Together with her committee, Stacey has sold 300 Sunflower bandanas among the learners in the Secondary and Preparatory Schools, organized a civvies day and raised in excess of R1000 and now a cake sale on 16 November during break. The finale is a raffle for a Sunflower cake. At R2 per ticket, this raffle is bound to raise lots of money.

Charity Xmas Wrapping 2012

This is our 9th year of wrapping Christmas gifts for the shoppers of Bayside Mall, Tableview. Shoppers give us a donation (minimum R5) and we wrap their gifts, add ribbons, bows and awareness of the charity of our choice. This year the funds raised will be donated to Boost Africa. This NPO helps poor families of Dunoon to keep their children in school by paying for their fees, stationery, clothes and books. Parklands College Interact learners and staff will be wrapping gifts every day from Saturday 15th until Monday 24th December 2012.

Christmas Party for Dunoon Creche kids

On Saturday 27 October 2012 some of the Parklands College Interact Club members assisted at a Christmas party for Dunoon kids held at Lilliput Pre-primary, Tableview. There were at least 240 kids from 9 creches in Dunoon under the care of Cathy Hartley and her team.

Santa Shoe Box Project

We have collected 50 Santa shoe boxes in the Secondary school and in total 331 across the college. Well done and thank you to all the Parklands College families and staff who gave so generously. We hope to make this an annual project.

Children from Dunoon opening their Santa Shoe Boxes
240 Santa Shoe Boxes were collected for Dunoon creche children and handed out at their Christmas party held at Lilliput Pre-Primary School, Tableview.

Parklands College learners enthusiastically packing Santa Shoe Boxes

Sunday 12 August 2012

Reach for your slippers day at Parklands College

On Friday 3rd August Parklands College participated in Reach for a Dream Foundation's nation-wide "Reach for your slippers day". Learners and staff were encouraged to come to school wearing their slippers for a donation of R10 per person. In total we collected R8567,00. The money will be used to fulfill the dreams of terminally ill children. 

Well done Parklands!

SALT Light Bags

During the month of August the Parklands College Secondary school will be filling SALT (Sharing Abundant Life Together) Light bags. Each class representative has been given a few bags and are encouraging their class to fill as many as possible. Her are the contents needed to fill each bag:

2.5kg white mealie meal
410g peanut butter
500g rice
500g brown speckled beans
2x1kg samp
1kg sugar
500g salt
200g savoury soya mince

Each bag feeds a family of four for a week. HIV patients at local clinics are given these food parcels because they need to take their anti-retrovirals with a meal.

Last year Parklands College Secondary faculty filled approximately 100 bags and this year we would like to double that figure. This year we have called upon the Interact Clubs of Tableview and Milnerton High to help us reach this target of filling 200 bags. 

For more information on how to get your own bag to fill, contact Debbie Rowe

Monday 23 July 2012

Mandela Day at Parklands College

This year the staff and learners were asked to suggest ways to celebrate Mandela Day.
A novel idea came from one of the grade 11 classes. They handed out free coffee to the public.
Most of the classes are collecting clothes for the poor. However, grade 9K are collecting R67 from each learner in their class. The money will be donated to Lerato's Hope. For more information go to

The staff are knitting baby blankets and jerseys for premature babies at children's hospitals and homes.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Santa Shoe Box Project

On the 24-26 October 2012 the PCOS and Parklands College Interact will be collecting clothes, toys and goodies for underprivileged children. The gifts will be packed into a decorated shoe box and handed over to the Santa Shoe Box Project. 

In order to prepare for this project we request that learners and staff start collecting empty shoe boxes and bring them to school.

This will be the first year that the PCOS and Interact are participating in this project. We hope that it will become an annual project.

Boost Africa

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Mary Dell, the founder and leader of the Boost Africa Foundation. Our conversation was mainly about collaboration between the Parklands Interact Club and Boost Africa. 

Mary and her colleague Yoyo will be visiting the Interact club meeting on Monday 30 July at second break. During their visit, they will be sharing their passion and projects with Interact, with the view of presenting Interacters with ideas and opportunities to get involved. 

All Parklands College Interacters please make sure that you don't miss Mary's talk.

Mary and Yoyo will also be addressing the whole school assembly on Friday 3 August.

For more information on what the Boost Africa Foundation does, go to the links page.

Friday 29 June 2012

Visit to Riverglade Retirement Village

Every year at Valentine's we visit Riverglade and hand out chocolates and cards.
LtoR: Shaun, Emma, Lisa, Deanna, S'Thoko

Deanna with a Riverglade resident who loves collecting furniture and dolls for her doll houses.

Karen, Lisa and Noni with one of the residents.

Thursday 28 June 2012

August Awareness Month 2012

August Social Awareness Month 2012

This year we will be kicking off with a "Reach for your Slippers" Day. On Friday 3rd August, you can come to school in your slippers, pay R10 and receive a sticker. All proceeds will go to the Reach for a Dream Foundation.
Let's do this!!!
We will also be collecting the following:
  • Bread tags for recycling. Money goes to buying wheelchairs for the poor.
  • SALT bags - non-perishable food for HIV patients at local clinics.
  • five cent coins - money goes to the Lucky Lucy Fund
  • A Bumper Cake Sale in conjunction with the PCOS(Parklands College Outreach Society) - proceeds will go to the Lucky Lucy Fund.

Mandela Day - Ideas

Mandela Day is on 18 July. Here are some ideas on how to spend 67 minutes in service for others:
  • Collect bread tags from friends, family and neighbours and bring to school during August Social awareness Month.
  • Collect clothes, blankets and non-perishable foods to donate to Good Hope Fm's Winter Warmer Project and bring the goods to Caltex opposite Super Spar in Parklands on 4 July.

  • Collect books, magazines and educational toys and donate to local creches, schools or libraries in poor communities.
  • Weed an elderly neighbour's garden.
  • Walk an elderly or sick neighbour's dog.
  • Offer to do a sick or elderly neighbour's shopping.
  • Read to a blind person.
  • Offer your service at the animal shelter.
  •  Babysit your younger siblings so your parents can take a break or go on a date.
  • Further ideas can be found or added to UN's site.