Sunday 12 August 2012

SALT Light Bags

During the month of August the Parklands College Secondary school will be filling SALT (Sharing Abundant Life Together) Light bags. Each class representative has been given a few bags and are encouraging their class to fill as many as possible. Her are the contents needed to fill each bag:

2.5kg white mealie meal
410g peanut butter
500g rice
500g brown speckled beans
2x1kg samp
1kg sugar
500g salt
200g savoury soya mince

Each bag feeds a family of four for a week. HIV patients at local clinics are given these food parcels because they need to take their anti-retrovirals with a meal.

Last year Parklands College Secondary faculty filled approximately 100 bags and this year we would like to double that figure. This year we have called upon the Interact Clubs of Tableview and Milnerton High to help us reach this target of filling 200 bags. 

For more information on how to get your own bag to fill, contact Debbie Rowe

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