Thursday 28 June 2012

August Awareness Month 2012

August Social Awareness Month 2012

This year we will be kicking off with a "Reach for your Slippers" Day. On Friday 3rd August, you can come to school in your slippers, pay R10 and receive a sticker. All proceeds will go to the Reach for a Dream Foundation.
Let's do this!!!
We will also be collecting the following:
  • Bread tags for recycling. Money goes to buying wheelchairs for the poor.
  • SALT bags - non-perishable food for HIV patients at local clinics.
  • five cent coins - money goes to the Lucky Lucy Fund
  • A Bumper Cake Sale in conjunction with the PCOS(Parklands College Outreach Society) - proceeds will go to the Lucky Lucy Fund.

1 comment:

  1. Reach for a Dream is such a wonderful organisation and I love how they come up with interesting ideas to raise funds. I look forward to seeing everyone in their slippers next month!
